Making Machine Learning Simple

Making Machine Learning Simple


"Machine Learning" is a powerful word, indeed! These days, machine learning is very popular! Why also won't it be? In the general field of software development and computer science, almost every "enticing" new development hides something related to machine learning. 

Cortana by Microsoft – Machine Learning and Computer Vision are used for object and face recognition.Machine learning-based advanced UX improvement programs (yes! The number crunching effort of some Machine Learning Algorithm was responsible for the Amazon product recommendation you just received.

And not just that alone. Data science and machine learning in general are prevalent everywhere. If God were interested in computers, it would be as omnipotent as God himself! Why? Because there is data everywhere!

Therefore, it is only natural that anyone with a brain above average and the ability to distinguish between programming paradigms by looking at code will be intrigued by machine learning.

But what precisely is Machine Learning? What really is Machine Learning, too? Let's finally deconstruct Machine Learning. We'll use an "Understand by Example" method rather than technical specifications to accomplish this.

Learning by machine: What exactly is it?

Pattern recognition and computational learning theory spawned the subfield of artificial intelligence known as machine learning. 

Machine Learning, according to Arthur Lee Samuel, is: Computers' ability to learn without being explicitly programmed is the subject of this research.

Thus, the area of computer science and artificial intelligence that, in essence, "learns" from data without the intervention of humans.

However, there is a flaw in this viewpoint. Because of this perception, whenever the term "Machine Learning" is mentioned, "A.I." and "Neural Networks that can mimic Human brains (as of right now, that is not possible)" come to mind, as do self-driving cars and other similar concepts. However, Machine Learning is much more than that. The following reveals both expected and generally unanticipated aspects of contemporary computing in which Machine Learning is utilized.

Learning by machine: The Expected We'll start with some scenarios in which you might anticipate the involvement of machine learning.

  • Natural Language Processing, or speech recognition, in more technical terms: Cortana can be contacted on Windows devices. However, how does it comprehend your words? The study of interactions between machines and humans via linguistics is the subject of the field of Natural Language Processing, or N.L.P.Name the principle that underpins NLP: Systems and algorithms for machine learning, including Hidden Markov Models.
  • Machine Vision: A subfield of artificial intelligence called computer vision deals with a machine's (likely) interpretation of the real world. To put it another way, computer vision encompasses all techniques for the character, pattern, and facial recognition. Additionally, Computer Vision is based on Machine Learning once more, this time with its extensive array of algorithms.
  • Google's Autonomous Vehicle: Well. Actually, you can imagine what drives it. More usefulness from machine learning.

However, these were expected uses. These technological feats were brought to life by some "mystical (and extremely hard) mind-crushing Computer wizardry," which would be clear to even the most skeptic.

Learning by machine: The Unexpected Let's go to a few places that most people wouldn't necessarily associate with Machine Learning:

  • Product Recommendations from Amazon: Have you ever pondered the reason behind Amazon's constant recommendation of products that entice you to save money? In the background, is a set of machine learning algorithms known as "Recommender Systems."It learns each user's individual preferences and makes recommendations based on those preferences.
  • Netflix and YouTube: They function as stated above!
  • Big Data and Data Mining: Many people might not be as surprised by this. However, Big Data and Data Mining are merely manifestations of data analysis on a larger scale. Additionally, you'll find Machine Learning lurking nearby whenever the goal is to extract information from data.
  • Real Estate, Housing Finance, and the Stock Market: In order to better assess the market, many of these fields use "Regression Techniques," or Machine Learning systems, to predict and analyze stock market trends or the price of a house.

Therefore, as you may have seen now. Indeed, machine learning is prevalent everywhere. From research and development to expanding small business operations. It's all over. Because the industry is on the rise and the boon is not going anywhere soon, it makes for an excellent career choice.

Therefore, for the time being, this is all. Our Machine Learning 101 course is now complete. We'll probably meet again, and when we do, we'll talk about some technical aspects of machine learning, the tools used in the field, and how to get started on your path to mastery.

Follow us for more for the next article.


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