What is Robotics?


What Exactly Is Robotics?

Robotics is the application of science, engineering, and technology to create machines called robots that mimic or substitute for human actions. Robots have always fascinated pop culture, with examples including R2-D2, the Terminator, and WALL-E. These exaggerated, humanoid robot concepts are usually a caricature of the real thing. But are they more foresighted than we realize? Robots are gaining cognitive and mechanical abilities that do not rule out the possibility of an R2-D2-like machine in the future.

The scope of what is considered robotics expands as technology advances. In 2005, 90 percent of all robots were found in automobile assembly plants. These robots are mostly made up of mechanical arms that are tasked with welding or screwing on specific parts of a car.

Today's definition of robotics includes the development, creation, and use of bots that perform tasks such as exploring the planet's harshest conditions, assisting law enforcement, streamlining surgical procedures, and undertaking rescue missions.

What Exactly is a Robot?

A robot is a programmable machine that can complete a task, whereas robotics is the field of study that focuses on the development of robots and automation. Each robot has varying degrees of autonomy. These levels range from human-controlled bots to fully autonomous bots that perform tasks without any outside influences.

Defined Robotics

While the world of robotics is expanding, some characteristics of a robot remain consistent:

Robots are made of some kind of mechanical structure. A robot's mechanical aspect aids it in completing tasks in the environment for which it was designed. For example, the Mars 2020 Rover's wheels are individually motorized and made of titanium tubing, allowing it to firmly grip the red planet's harsh terrain.
Electrical components are required for robots to control and power the machinery. Essentially, an electric current — such as a battery — is required to power the vast majority of robots.
Robots all have some level of computer programming. A robot would be nothing more than a piece of simple machinery if it did not have a set of instructions telling it what to do. Inserting a program into a robot allows it to know when and how to perform a task.

As artificial intelligence and software continue to advance, we're bound to see the promise of the robotics industry sooner rather than later. Robots will become smarter, more flexible, and energy efficient in the near future as these technologies advance. They'll also remain a key focus in smart factories, where they'll tackle more difficult challenges and help secure global supply chains.

The robotics industry is full of admirable promises of progress that science fiction could only dream about a few years ago. Robots will be found performing tasks that humans could never dream of doing alone, from the deepest depths of our oceans to thousands of miles in outer space.

Robotics Types

Mechanical bots come in a variety of shapes and sizes to perform the tasks for which they are designed. All robots differ in terms of design, functionality, and degree of autonomy. From the 0.2 millimeter-long "RoboBee" to the 200-meter-long "Vindskip," robots are emerging to perform tasks that humans simply cannot.

There are five different types of robots that perform different tasks based on their capabilities. The following is an overview of these types and what they do.

Pre-Configured Robots

Pre-programmed robots perform simple, monotonous tasks in a controlled environment. A mechanical arm on an assembly line is an example of a pre-programmed robot. The arm has one function — weld a door, insert a part into the engine, etc. — and its job is to do it longer, faster, and more efficiently than a human.

Human-like Robots

Humanoid robots are robots that mimic or look like humans. These robots typically engage in human-like activities (such as running, jumping, and carrying objects) and are sometimes designed to resemble us, including human faces and expressions. Hanson Robotics' Sophia and Boston Dynamics' Atlas are two prominent examples of humanoid robots.

Autonomous Robot

Human operators are not required for autonomous robots to function. These robots are typically designed to perform tasks in open environments without the need for human supervision. They are quite unique in that they use sensors to perceive their surroundings and then use decision-making structures (usually a computer) to take the best next step based on their data and mission. The Roomba vacuum cleaner, which uses sensors to roam freely throughout a home, is one example of an autonomous robot.


  • Cleaning Bots (for example, Roomba)
  • Lawn Trimming Bots
  • Hospitality Bots
  • Autonomous Drones
  • Medical Assistant Bots

Telecontrolled Robots

Teleoperated robots are semi-autonomous bots that use a wireless network to allow remote human control. These robots are typically used in harsh geographical, weather, and environmental conditions. Human-controlled submarines used to repair underwater pipe leaks during the BP oil spill are examples of teleoperated robots, as are drones used to detect landmines on a battlefield.

Augmenting Robots

Augmenting robots, also known as VR robots, either augment existing human capabilities or replace those that have been lost. The field of robotics for human augmentation is one in which science fiction could become reality very soon, with bots capable of redefining humanity by making humans faster and stronger. Current augmenting robots include robotic prosthetic limbs and exoskeletons used to lift heavy weights.

What Exactly Is a Bot? What Exactly Is Software Robotics?

Software robotics, also known as bots, are computer programs that perform tasks autonomously. A chatbot is a common application for software robots. A chatbot is a computer program that simulates online and phone conversations and is frequently used in customer service scenarios. Chatbots can be simple services that respond to questions with an automated response, or they can be more complex digital assistants that learn from user data.


  • Chatbots conduct simple conversations, frequently in customer service settings.
  • Spam Bots are programmes that collect email addresses and send spam email.
  • Download Bots: automatically download software and apps.
  • Crawler Bots for Search Engines: scan websites and make them visible on search engines.
  • Monitoring bots: report on the speed and status of a website.
Software robots exist only on the internet and originate within a computer, so they are not robots. A device must have a physical form, such as a body or a chassis, to be considered a robot.

Robotics Technology

Robotics is a science and engineering interdisciplinary field concerned with the design, construction, and application of mechanical robots. Our guide will provide you with a solid understanding of robotics, including different types of robots and how they are used across industries.


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